Ballard Pediatric Clinic - Seattle Pediatrician Reviews - Ballard
Address: 7554 15th Ave. NW Seattle, WA 98117
Regular Hours:
Morning Drop in Hours:
Check out our feature articles for parents in-the-know at Little Babe Big City Features. We highlight the most stylish dresses for a 1 year old, outrageously cool graffiti onesies, the Baby Food Diet, baby advice and much more.
Address: 7554 15th Ave. NW Seattle, WA 98117
Regular Hours:
Morning Drop in Hours:
Address: 3325 California Ave SW, Seattle, WA 98116
Phone: (206) 241-4646
Medical Appointments– Dr. Deborah McGrew, MD, OT, (Monday-Friday 9-4)
Medical & Psychological Assessments– Liliana Sacarin, M.S., RC, (by appointment)
Coaching & Behavioral Programming– Steven J. Curry, M.A., (by appointment)
Educational Support & Tutoring- Karen Warner, (by appointment)
Family Support Group– Third Tuesday of every Month (6:30-8:00-OTB office)
Address: 4005 Wallingford Ave N Seattle, WA 98103
Phone: (206) 632-0542
Hours: The office is open Monday through Friday from 8:15am to 5:15pm. We are closed for lunch from 12:15-1:15 daily.
David Springer, M.D., MPH-Board Certified Pediatrician
Bryan Dryer, M.D, Board Certified Pediatrician
Amye Hadley, N.D. ARNP
Elizabeth Ormond, A.R.N.P-Board Certified Nurse Practitioner