Taking Baby on a Bus in NYC
Travelling around town with your little one, a NYC parent has several options available:
- You can walk almost anywhere with your urban stroller, hopefully equipped to withstand the potholes and bumps of the city streets
- You can hop into a taxi (read our article about how to be safe in a NYC taxi with your baby)
- You can take the subway (click here for a listing of elevator accessible stops in Manhattan)
- Or you can take the bus.
The bus can be a quick and easy option if you have a baby carrier. Using a carrier is the best and most convenient way to take the bus with your baby. In NYC, the MTA requests that all strollers be folded up before getting on the bus. This means that you need to hold your baby on your lap and keep the stroller next to you. If your little one is under 1 year old, skip the stroller and use an Ergo or Baby Bjorn to get in and out fast. If you have a toddler that still gets tired and needs a stroller, get a lightweight umbrella stroller with quick, preferable one arm folding ability. Taking the bus is still a risk because there are no safety features for infants on buses. Most passengers are accommodating and will give up their seat for you and your bundle. That way, you don't have to stand and sway on your way across town.
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