Great Baby Toy for a 4 Month Old
Most parents, or friends of parents with babies in the 3-4 month range wonder what baby toys would appeal to and delight their little ones. I have often found myself googling "playing with a 4 month old" on the internet. This age group is tough because the babies are just starting to amuse themselves - with their fingers, feet, strands of your hair...but not old enough to focus for long periods of time and don't have the dexterity and agility to push some of the interactive toys on the market with accuracy required to get them to light up or make noise. The best toy we have for our daughter is Freddie the Fire Fly by Lamaze. Freddie delights in that he is bright, multi-textured, has crinkly wings that are black and white patterned, a velvety soft body, a mirror underneath a wing, has teething rings..and a plastic pull out piece from the pocket of another wing...lots and lots to discover in one small toy that our little girl plays with and never tires of. Freddie retails at $14.99 and is available at Toys R Us or any other number of baby stores in your area.
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