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Beyonce Got the Bugaboo Cameleon as a Gift from Gwenyth Paltrow

Beyonce's Stroller Bugaboo CameleonWith friends like these, you get a limited edition Bugaboo Cameleon. That's what good pal Gwenyth Paltrow purchased for first time mom Beyonce when she gave birth to Blue Ivy Carter.  And Gwenyth would know being a veteran mom of two herself.  The black sleek limited edition is fitting for aBeyonce and Gwenyth Paltrow new mom walking about town.  I must say I was surprised she didn't get her the Donkey which would work nicely for a second baby down the line, depending on how long Beyonce wants to wait.  

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    Beyonce Got the Bugaboo Cameleon as a Gift from Gwenyth Paltrow - Celebrity Baby Products Blog - Little Babe and the Big City Guide

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