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Little Babe's Big City Features

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« Coney Island - Best of NYC Activities with Kids and Baby - Top 30 Things to Do With Your Kids This Summer | Main | Hudson River Park - Carousel at Pier 62 - Best NYC Activity for Kids and Baby - Coolest Things to Do This Summer »

Street Fair Guide - Best NYC Activities with Kids and Baby - Top 30 Cool Things to do this Summer with Your Family

Street Fair in NYC - Fun for the FamilyOn virtually any given summer weekend in NYC, there is a street fair. Mangos on a stick, socks, bedding, rugs, long maxi dresses - maybe you have seen enough. But for kids a street fair is a delight in the senses - they are a distraction and a chance to gobble up some tasty treats - perhaps a cold lemonade, ice cream waffle, zeppole or crepe.  And a little bracelet or funny t-shirt.  You could always look to see whether there is anything going on in your hood by checking the online street fair schedule.  Many street fairs do have a theme, some are food fairs, others are neighborhood celebrations or even a celebration of nationality.  Enjoy the diversity NYC has to offer and share it with your little ones. 

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