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Children's Museum of the Arts - Best NYC Activities with Kids and Baby

Children's Museum of the Arts - Fun for Kids NYCChildren’s Museum of the Arts - If you have a burgeoning young artist on your hands, take them to the Children’s Museum of the Arts, downtown at 103 Charlton Street, New York, NY (212)274-0986.  The museum holds over 2,000 works of art by children from over 50 countries through its permanent exhibits but is wonderful for interactive drop in sessions at their Wee Arts Studio for kids ages 5 and under.  You might find yourself running into Katie Holmes and Suri Cruise, who are frequent visitors.  From 10:45am-12pm on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, you can drop in to explore with play dough, paint, chalk for $22 per family.  There is no need to preregister.  If you are paying for admission to the museum, you should also swing by the Wee Arts Studio, included in the price which has art projects on a daily basis geared for kids 10 months-5 years and is open to the public most weekday afternoons from 12-3:30 and weekends from 10-5.

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